Saturday, August 29, 2015

Published Again

In the eyes of the law, Bullock got a fair trial

By Express-Times Letters to the Editor
on August 28, 2015 at 1:08 PM, updated August 28, 2015 at 1:09 PM

In response to Steve Wilson's letter ("Bullock trial should have been handled on state or federal level," Aug. 10), the trial was held in state Superior Court. Sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault are not federal crimes.

So much moral indignation about this case. It is not at all surprising that there are conspiracy theories about "collusion" and "corruption" on the county level because the judge in the case once worked as a prosecutor where the defendant also served as sheriff. The crime, as described, occurred within the jurisdiction of Warren County. Vicinage 13 is very small. Why not call everyone who ever received a favorable verdict in northwest New Jersey a kiddy rapist? Mass hysteria and jumping to conclusions feels good but it hurts victims.    

The jury was tasked with putting an 86-year-old man who requires a wheelchair and breathing tube in jail for 90 years. The accuser had a criminal record, including time in prison in Wisconsin. This case was lost for one reason: First Assistant Prosecutor Michael McDonald put forward not one unimpeachable shred of evidence to support the accuser's case.

In the eyes of the public, Edward Bullock is guilty as sin. Under the law, he got a fair trial. Not guilty does not mean innocent. Please educate yourself about the law before tarring and feathering an actually innocent man next time.

Erik B. Anderson
San Diego, Calif.
Formerly of Independence Township

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