Friday, April 9, 2010

Greatness Runs In The Family


My Cousin-In-Law Is the St. Paul Minnesota Police Officer of the Year!

St. Paul Police Honor 'Officer Of The Year'

Officer Charles Anderson was honored for his community policing. St. Paul Police honored their "Officer of the Year" Wednesday. Officer Charles Anderson was honored for his community policing. Anderson has been working in the Rice Street area. He organized a Public Safety Fair and helped to establish a business association.
He also writes about the community in the neighborhood newspaper, the Monitor.


Charlie's last name is the same as mine, but he's not a blood relation. He married my cousin Betsy in the Cathedral of St. Paul on 7/7/07. Her maiden name and married name are both Anderson. I haven't seen Charlie's family tree, but the Anderson name on my side only goes back five generations, when Andre Johnson's son Aron came to America in the 19th Century.

I like Charlie a lot. As it turns out, their son ("Thor") is my Grandma Anderson's first great-grandchild (I am her first grandchild). She started the line of Funny Faces, so, that means that if I never produce an heir, the Crown of Funny Faces will fall to him...if he wants it.


Charlie's father (Thorin's Grandfather) was a legend in the St. Paul Minnesota Police Department, too. It is not a stretch, in my opinion, to assume that the future King of Funny Faces could be Chief of Police there in 2050. That's a lot of maybes, but one can dream, can't he?

Warm Regards,

Erik B. Anderson
Independence Township, New Jersey
Established 1782

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

James Baldwin v. William F. Buckley Jr. Debate

This is awesome.

James Baldwin and I have something in common.
We both whooped WFB, Jr. in a debate.

Subject: "Has The American Dream Been Achieved at The Expense of the American Negro?"
 Full version available here.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Someone Questioned What Planet I Live On in the Newspaper!

I’d feel safe walking with folks in a Tea Party rally

Express-Times Newspaper - April 03, 2010
In response to the letter from Erik B. Anderson, I would like to ask “What planet is Independence Township on?” I think I know. It’s the planet that only receives the alphabet networks on TV.

Anderson sounds like all the other sound-bite political gurus. I ask him to do some research on the Tea Party movement to find out what the protests are all about. They’re about big government, high taxes and out-of-control spending. How are these people terrorists?

He might also do a bit of research about how the “left” handles themselves during their protests. Go back and look at the hatred that was spewed from the “left” about the previous administration. I think you’ll see a marked difference in behavior between them and the Tea Party protests.
And if you really want to see what’s going on, research how the mainstream media covers both kinds of events. You may be surprised.

I guess The Express-Times hasn’t been covering the massive unrest and crime wave in Independence Township, but here in Nazareth, I am safe both on the streets and in my home. Although I haven’t attended a Tea Party rally yet, I would feel perfectly safe there also.

Bushkill Township

This is exactly the tactic that I described in my March 31, 2010 letter to the same newspaper. Craig Rifendife slandered my name. People like him depend on Ad Hominem attacks to win their arguments.

They also depend on Straw Man Fallacies. Who is "The Left" he is referring to? I'm right handed.

I am writing a response now.


Erik B. Anderson
Independence Township, New Jersey
Established 1782