Monday, June 22, 2020

Petition circulates to have Andrew Jackson Post Office in San Diego renamed

This is way better than getting a letter to the editor published!

Read the story online at

Check out my petition to rename the Andrew Jackson Post Office in Rolando, San Diego!

UPDATE: 6/23/2020

Dave Summers from NBC 7 showed up at my door so I couldn't turn him away.

I don't look my best but I tried.  As of about noon today, the petition has just under 500 signatures.

More UPDATES below:

On June 24th, 2020, I managed to get on KUSI-TV:

In March 2021, I was contacted by Charles T. Clark, a columnist at the San Diego Union-Tribune who did half an Op-Ed about the petition to rename my post office. Read the column here.

On November 18, 2022, my Congressmember Sara Jacobs introduced bill H.R. 9308 to change the name of the  Andrew Jackson Post Office to the Susan A. Davis Post Office.

On November 29, 2022, the bill H.R. 9308 passed the House by a majority voice vote, "...the ayes have it."

On December 19, 2022, the bill to rename my post office passed the Senate.

According to ABC News, POTUS signed the bill to rename my post office into law on December 27, 2022. It is now a violation of federal law to refer to it as the Andrew Jackson Post Office in any official document.

* * * 

In March 2023, I was invited to participate in the campaign to rename Clay Park and Henry Elementary across the street from the Post Office Formerly named after Andrew Jackson. Please sign the petition here

Thus sayeth the King of Funny Faces.